Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

First protest

We went to the Civic Center to protest California's passing of prop 8. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful vibe of unity -- people of all colors, ages and orientations coming together to stand up for the rights of all human beings to love and marry whom they choose. Being there with Benjamin, we were especially struck by all the children at the rally -- children who have been told their whole lives that their families don't count, that the love their parents have for each other and for them is somehow inferior and not deserving of the same recognition as the love of other peoples' families. We hope for the sake of these children that we see this last accepted form of state-sanctioned discrimination banished; it hurts and degrades all of us.

Here is a photo of Benji being interviewed for the local news:

Lazy morning

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Watching daddy get his black belt

Lil Pumpkin

Getting ready for the big Halloween haunted house . . .

Party boy